Our services
Making contact
It is a free advisory service to identify suitable universities and programs based on educational background, areas of interest, financial criteria, career objective
Application file
It's time to decide which program you want to enroll in. Thanks to our advisors, your documents are created from scratch or corrected. You will thus have the assurance of a good quality application file.
Sending and tracking the file
From the moment you register until the moment you are admitted by the university of your choice, we take care of sending the registration files and we also do regular follow-up and follow-up work.
Preparation of the visa file
Thanks to our expertise, you will no longer have to worry about all the administrative procedures to obtain a visa in any country. Our advisors will put together a solid file with you. If there is an interview, we will prepare you for it.
Language stay
StudyUp has solid experience to answer all your questions relating to language stays.
Accommodation reservation
StudyUp International supports you in your search for accommodation and helps you find the accommodation best suited to your budget and lifestyle.