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With StudyUp

Fiche de renseignements

1. Personal information
2. Education
3. Desired study project abroad
4. Languages

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Language Test:

Check only if you have already taken the test in less than 2 years and you have the result.

In accordance with the Law on Access to Information and Protection of Privacy of Tunisia, your personal information provided in this form will be protected at all times and used for purposes related to the administration of the programs. By submitting this form, I consent to StudyUp using and sharing my personal information as permitted by law.

Merci de votre inscription.

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✓ Personalized guidance

✓ In person in our office

✓ Online



StudyUp is an educational consulting agency expert in supporting students with their international study projects. We collaborate with a network of world-renowned universities, language centers and private schools, and offer a quality personalized service.

(+216) 92-324-406

(+216) 23-677-494

39 rue Omar Ibn Kaddah, Aziz building, 5th floor office A 5-4, Montplaisir Tunis, 1073, Tunisia

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